Alert! We suggest coming as early as 11:00 A.M. to get your number. We start calling numbers at 1:00 P.M. until 3:00 P.M.




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Whiteside County Senior Center
1207 W 9th St
Sterling, IL 61081

Location Overview

On the corner of West 9th Street and Ave L

We are located on the corner of Avenue L and West 9th Street in Sterling.  There is parking on both sides of the the senior center with handicap accessibility.

Our Networks

Location Features

Air Conditioning
Near Public Transit
Parking Available
Restrooms Available
Safe Space
Seating in Waiting Area
Wheelchair Accessible
Wi-Fi Available

Location Operating Hours

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

For public transportation please call Whiteside County Transportation 815-625-7433

ClosedSunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Hours in location time zone: Central Time (CT) (UTC-6)

Food Distribution

Emergency Pantry/Food Box


1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

ClosedSunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Program Overview
Come sit and socialize in our heated and air conditioned center.  Find out what is on the calendar of events and our meals for the month while you wait for your personal friendly shopper to help you fill our grocery carts we provide for you to make it easier to take your food to your car.  Bring your own canvas bags or take our plastic bags.
Primary Contact

Molly Helms


Service Area

No service area restrictions

Languages Spoken

Spanish, Other, English

Food Program Features

Indoor Service, Lifting / Carrying Assistance

Items Offered

Fruits & Vegetables, Meat, Shelf Stable/Non-Perishable Goods, Other

Our Location