Service Center for Latinos (Centro Latino)
431 Oak Avenue 155 English Street
Spruce Pine, NC 28777

Location Overview

Service Center for Latinos Inc. Centro Latino


Healthy families and individuals becoming an integral and valuable part of the community, prepared to confront the challenges.


Familias e individuos saludables convirtiendose en una parte integral y valuable de la comunidad, preparados para enfrentar los retos.


Increase the cross-cultural understanding, dedicating our endeavors to assist low-income families in Mitchell and surrounding counties on improving their quality of life, meet their basic needs, educate, empower, and advocate.


Incrementar el entendimiento transversal-cultural, dedicando nuestros esfuerzos a asistir a familias de bajos recursos en el condado de Mitchell y sus alrededores para mejorar su calidad de vida, hacer frente a sus necesidades basicas; educar, capacitar y abogar.


Centro Latino welcomes your Help: Your time, talent, and skills are needed. You can donate food; clothing, small furniture, or you can make a monetary contribution. In addition, you can help with transportation, donate time, organize a fundraiser, or offer employment opportunities. All donations are tax-deductible.


Centro Latino le da la bienvenida a su ayuda: Su tiempo, talento, y habilidades son necesarias. Usted puede donar comida, ropa, muebles pequeños o puede tambien hacer una contribucciòn monetaria. Tambien usted puede ayudar con transporte, donar tiempo, organizar una recaudaciòn de fondos, u ofrecer oportunidades de empleos. Todas las donaciònes son deducibles de impuestos.

Location Features

Wheelchair Accessible
Restrooms Available
Parking Available
Air Conditioning
Near Public Transit
Safe Space

Location Operating Hours

Hours in location time zone: Eastern Time (ET) (UTC-5)

Food Distribution

Food Pantry


9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

1st Week of Month

First Friday of each month at parking lot of 431 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine, NC 28777

ClosedSunday, Saturday
Program Overview
Emergency assistance pantry and produce distributions

Program Qualifications
None, open to the public 
Languages Spoken

English, Spanish, Sign Language (ASL)

Food Program Features

Accepts Walk-Ins, Grocery / Client Choice, Indoor Service, Lifting / Carrying Assistance, Outdoor Service, Other

Items Offered

Fruits & Vegetables, Shelf Stable/Non-Perishable Goods, Other

Educational Courses/Classes


Program Overview
English classes, parenting classes, nutrition classes Center, leadership among Latino Families
Primary Contact

Silvia Peterson


Languages Spoken

English, Spanish

Healthcare Screenings/Referrals

Information and referrals:

Program Overview
Health and Safety, Immigration information. Dental and Health referrals. Job assistance (referral),  local agency services
Primary Contact

Silvia Peterson


Languages Spoken

English, Spanish

Case Management Services

Interpretation and translation:

Program Overview
School and health agency's letters and forms, work applications, general translations, and interpretation with agencies
Primary Contact

Silvia Peterson


Languages Spoken

English, Spanish


Cultural Festivities:

Program Overview

Posadas (Christmas Celebration)

5 de Mayo

Program Qualifications

Posadas (Christmas Celebration)--Children from 0-18 years of age. Need to be signed on a Christmas list in November 


5 de Mayo-All are welcome!

Primary Contact

Silvia Peterson


Languages Spoken

English, Spanish


Special Programs

Program Overview

Toy Distribution for children during Christmas

Emergency clothes assistance

Primary Contact

Silvia Peterson


Languages Spoken

English, Sign Language (ASL), Spanish

Our Location