


freshness badge
Guaranteed fresh! This badged location has updated information recently.
Martha's Pantry
1220 NE 68th St
Vancouver, WA 98665

Location Overview

Martha's Pantry is located on the lower level of Vancouver United Church of Christ. Please enter through the lower level doors and the pantry will be just inside the doors.

Location Features

Air Conditioning
Near Public Transit
Parking Available
Restrooms Available
Safe Space
Seating in Waiting Area
Wheelchair Accessible
Wi-Fi Available

Location Operating Hours

11:00 AM - 1:45 PM
ClosedSunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours in location time zone: Pacific Time (PT) (UTC-8)

Food Distribution

Food Pantry


11:00 AM - 1:45 PM

ClosedSunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Program Overview
Client self selects food items they are wanting. We also have a small thrift store area where clients can find clothing, blankets, small appliances, games and books at no charge.

Program Qualifications
All residents of the State of Washington are welcome during pantry hours for food. You may visit us one time per month.
Languages Spoken


Food Program Features

Pre-Packed Boxes / Bags, Grocery / Client Choice


Michele's Closet

Program Overview
Small shopping area to access clothing, small appliances, books, games

Program Qualifications
Any resident in the state of Washington may visit Martha's Pantry one time per month.
Primary Contact

Leslie Chapman



Our Location