


freshness badge
Guaranteed fresh! This badged location has updated information recently.
G.O.D.'s Food Pantry
116 North Thomas Street
Gilman, IL 60938

Location Overview

G.O.D.'s Food Pantry is located in the lower level of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 116 N. Thomas, Gilman, IL 60938.  Food is sent up the elevator and volunteers bring the food to our clients on the upper level out of the northern double doors.

Location Operating Hours

Open the 2nd Tuesday each month and the last Tuesday of each month from 9:00-Noon. Also evening hours the last Tuesday of each month from 4-6:30 p.m.
ClosedSunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours in location time zone: Central Time (CT) (UTC-6)

Food Distribution

G.O.D.'s Food Pantry

Primary Contact

Cindy Guttendorf



Our Location