
We distribute prepacked bags of food.  Sometimes we also have bread, produce, and/or frozen meat. In addition, we may have dish soap and other cleaners depending on what is donated and how busy we have been. Anyone in need of food is welcome, no matter where they live.  We do ask that people come no more often than once a month so that we can help as many families as possible.  You must be an adult head of household to receive food.  Sometimes we have pet food available.  If you need pet food, inquire upon arrival.  

Open:   Mondays 12 - 2

           Tuesdays 12 - 2

           Wednesdays 10 - 2




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Guaranteed fresh! This badged location has updated information recently.
Faith UMC Emergency Food Pantry
1719 S Prospect Avenue
Champaign, IL 61820

Location Overview

Regular Hours in Feb. & Mar., Monday 12 - 2, Tuesday 12 - 2, Wednesday 10 - 2

We are a church right next to Bottenfield Elementary School.  Please enter through the south doors by Bottenfield.  No ID is required, but you will be asked for your name, address, and date of birth.  We are happy to serve adults from any address who are adult heads of household.  You may come no more often than once a month so that we can keep enough supplies to help as many people as possible.

Our Networks

Location Features

Air Conditioning
Near Public Transit
Parking Available
Safe Space
Seating in Waiting Area
Wheelchair Accessible

Location Operating Hours

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
ClosedSunday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Hours in location time zone: Central Time (CT) (UTC-6)

Food Distribution

Food Distribution


12:00 PM - 2:00 PM


12:00 PM - 2:00 PM


10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

ClosedSunday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Primary Contact


Service Area

COUNTY: Champaign

Our Location